Meditation Gardens

The Annual Gardening Series, sponsored by the Bethel Garden Club, continues tonight!
Get inspiration for creating a garden that offers nourishment for the body and mind. Learn about the meditative aspect of the garden – from discerning just what it is that gives us that quiet renewal that we seek, to the ways that we can achieve those lofty goals. You will be sure to come away with ideas for enhancing your own space to make a natural sanctuary.
Presenter Donna Katsuranis is an Advanced Master Gardener and Interfaith Minister who lives and gardens in Brookfield, CT. She has lectured for a myriad of garden clubs and has taught numerous Advanced Master Gardener classes throughout the Northeast. She is founder of the Brookfield Kiwanis Giving Garden. Donna's aim is to educate people about the wonders of nature, one gardener at a time.